CDL Training Opportunities Abound

If your goal is to obtain CDL training to drive tractor-trailers, there are many opportunities available even if you have no money and bad credit.

Really, only two things will hold you back: a bad driving record or a serious criminal record. Other than that, if hitting the road as a trucker is what you really want to do, getting trained is a snap.

The main reason why people don’t attempt to attending truck driving school is because they don’t have any money or they have no credit or bad credit. They think this excludes them from getting enrolled in a school. Not so.

Most CDL schools offer financial aid. The aid is available for those who qualify, however, which means in this case you will need decent credit to qualify.

However, the way around this is with paid CDL training. There are companies that will pay for your Class A training at their own facilities. In return, you will agree to work for them for a certain amount of time, usually one year.

This is a perfect opportunity for those who are financially strapped to get training for a new career. It gives you the chance for a fresh start without all the financial worries. Here are the three main steps involved:

1. You attend the company’s training facility, usually for about four weeks. During the first few days you will take a written test to get your CDL permit that allows you to drive an 18-wheeler with an instructor at your side. During the last several days you will take the road test to earn your actual CDL Class A.

2. You will be assigned a trainer and will hit the road making actual deliveries for the company and doing everything else that’s required of the job. You will learn how to do things the company way and will hone your driving skills. This on-the-road training will last anywhere from two to six weeks depending on the company. Some companies divide this into two parts, with two different trainers, which will extend the training to up to eight weeks.

3. Once this is done, you will be assigned your own truck and will start your new career as a full-fledged company employee. Some companies will allow you to partner with someone else, including a friend or spouse, and drive as a team.

The benefits of paid CDL training are tremendous. You will receive career training with guaranteed job placement, all at no cost to you, even if you have bad credit. Where else can you find such a deal? And just as important, you will gain experience. This is vitally important in the trucking industry. Click here to find out just how important.

Most companies only hire drivers with at least one year of experience. With your paid CDL training you will have that. After you have completed your one-year obligation to the company, you are free to leave and look for work anywhere you choose. But you also might want to stay on because most of these companies offer bonus cash incentives to stay for another year.

One negative aspect about the paid-training option is that your pay will not be up to industry standards during that first year. You will be paid at the bottom of the pay scale. However, most people consider this fair considering the investment the company has made in providing you free training.

Another negative for some people is that you will have to stay on the road from two to four weeks at a time before getting home. Some people are OK with this while others hate it. Just remember that it’s only for one year and that you’re gaining the crucial experience you’ll need later on in your career.

So if you’ve ever considered CDL training but dismissed it due to a bad financial situation, you might want to reconsider.

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